Why investing in your health pays back
The investment of the financial markets often sees returns in the short and long run. However, investing in health pays back immediately. With the growing stress of working life and the challenges of work life balance, people get tired easily and are exhausted at the end of the day. We have found that drinking at least 7 to 8 glasses of filtered water does refresh and rejuvenate a person.
The investment of health is a 2-prong effect:
- The first prong effect is to go back to the basics. The need for quality air, water and food. These 3 basic needs are often neglected and with the daily rush of activities throughout the day, the quality of air, water and food often gets neglected. To breathe fresh air and taking deep breaths helps build lung health, but being in an enclosed area with little ventilation such as an office or an enclosed room for prolonged periods doesn’t promote lung health. Hence, being out with Mother Nature can do wonders for a person’s health. Staying hydrated throughout the day and also eating minimal processed food can do wonders for a person’s overall wellness and health.
- The second prong effect is to go back to simplicity. With the ever-increasing digital world, many are caught up with a sedentary lifestyle. Detoxing the mind, body and spirit and living a simple life can be extremely challenging for many. However, going back, to simplicity doesn’t mean a drastic change in life style but a change in mindset. It is to be content, happy and see joy in the simple things in life. Being able to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee with friends or just reading a book in privacy can be the little simple things in life that is often forgotten. This in turn can build on mental well-being and wholeness.
With a slight change in life and fostering healthy habits, life can then become so much healthier. Finding the right balance is often a difficult task, but if it becomes a journey towards wellness, the investment of health can mean feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and recharged daily even without a need for a holiday, massage or a getaway. The returns on health investment can far outweigh the costs of medical attention and so going back to basics can mean enjoying an abundantly healthy life.