What They Don't Tell You about your Filters
You hear them say, the water taste good. Mmm... this filter is good.
You would also hear them say, it's this popular brand, it must be good.
What water filter companies don't tell you are the materials they use and where they are sourced.
Why would they need to, and would a consumer want to know?
Sediment Filter, is often the first defence against dirt in the water pipes that get carried to the tap water. The weaving of the polypropylene material can determine its pore size and hence can determine it's filter efficiencies. Also filters can range in lengths which can determine its life span. Generally the material needs to be about 10 inch in length for it to have a relatively good dirt holding capacity.
With most systems in the market, the size of the sediment can vary and it could be mostly squeezed in at the back of a tabletop machine hence brining the filter material down to become 5 inches in length. The shorter it is, the less dirt holding capacity and hence the change of filter can be 3 to 6 months. This translates to more money spent on replacements.
With just the simple invention of translucent material of the filter housing (an innovative in house design), the mechanics of dirt holding capacity can be easily seen with the naked eye without the use of any electronic tracking device. Sediment filter will turn from its original color of white to brown and in some occasions black! Changing of water filter is now transparent without the use of pre-sets that may cause a consumer to change more often than it should.
There are many filter variations which leads most consumers to ask the constant question: what's the difference among all the filters in the market?
Indeed, it is a difficult question for any consumer to tell because the producers do not publicly announce that they are using a 5 inch filter or a 7 inch filter and its sources. Sales persons are also not trained to know where are all the raw materials sourced from but mostly concentrate on its functions. It may not be feasible to cover all the sources of a product and not feasible to train all sales staff in these areas since the factories are far away and not seen by most consumers. And also filtration is too technical, it will bore the customers and that may not be a good sales tactic.
At Tomal, innovation is at our core. Giving the maximum 10 inch sediment that is not sourced from low quality sources is and will always be a basic requirement. The auditing of how the material is weaved needs to be checked regularly and with this, most factories that pass the test are few. With much research and due diligence of filter material sourced for every custom Tomal series, Tomal was finally born after 6 long years of research. The wealth of knowledge in filter media came from a family business of 40 years where filtration media was supplied to the world's top drink producers. Since 2009, Tomal have been visiting over 100 global factories and have decided to work with a few to source and produce the best quality filter media for purification. With bespoke, carefully sourced materials , Tomal refines living for global urban cities.
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Tomal Refines Living.