Benefits of hydration during menopause
During and after menopause, it is important we make a conscious effort to stay hydrated. Not only to combat symptoms such as night sweats and hot flushes where we lose more moisture, but also to help us lower the effects of other symptoms.
Hot flashes or flushes are, by far, the most common symptom of menopause. About 75% of all women have these sudden, brief, periodic increases in their body temperature. Usually hot flashes start before a woman's last period. For 80% of women, hot flashes occur for 2 years or less.
There are 3 vitamins that are best for menopause: vitamin D, B vitamins and vitamin E. Vitamin D and B vitamins are important for supporting the nervous system which gets put under pressure during menopause. Vitamin D is also important for your bone health, whilst vitamin E is an essential nutrient for heart health.
Menopause can be navigated if we understand what our body needs. Hydration is key to combat the sweats and hot flushes. Drinking filtered water may be necessary to remove the contaminants that are present in the water pipes. Dehydration can cause a range of symptoms including, dizziness, headaches, dry skin, and feelings of fatigue.
Wellness with hydration.
Tomal Refines Living