3 ways to boost immunity whilst staying at home
We are all in it together!
It's tempting to binge eat whilst at home and just forget about any healthy foods.
Here's some booster facts on how you can boost your immunity whilst being at home.
3 ways to boost immunity whilst staying at home:
1. Get those greens on the plate
Studies have shown that greens do help your gut health and in return it helps your overall immunity towards illnesses. Also , it can contribute to your detox program.
2. Hydration
Staying hydrated is critical to overall health. Being well hydrated with water helps you to ensure your overall health is in check. Water prevents many problems and most recently we have also found that it is necessary for brain health. Prevention of dementia from setting in can also be attributed to the amounts of water that is consumed daily.
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3. Well balanced diet
A lot of well balanced diets seek out the various food groups. However, it is also critical to get the right nutrition if you body is lacking it. Some people get tired easily and that could be a lack of iron in the diet. Hence iron rich food could be the main focus in one's diet. Iron rich foods would include red meats. If the diet doesn't allow the right nutrition to be added in to daily meals, supplements may be necessary.
Are you fasting?
The above areas can also contribute to your overall wellness before and after fasting periods. It can help overcome extreme fatigue that can accompany fasting during fasting months.
For everyone that is staying at home, do stay tuned to the wellness journey we can all embark. If you have a story to share with us. Do feel free to write to us via innovation@tomalglobal.com
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